Radix Trustees Limited

RTL Nominated Fund

It is an arrangement where a Nominator gives a Trustee a written directive to hold assets for the benefit of the Beneficiaries that have been nominated.

A written directive to the Trustee stating the proportion of benefit that will be paid to those that are nominated.

It must be sent to the Trustee and as such the nomination will however not be valid until it is handed over.

Does not require a Trust Deed.

Easy transfer of funds to the Beneficiaries in the event of ones’ demise.

Guaranteed efficient tax plan.

Competitive returns on investment of funds.

No need for probate in the event of demise or incapacitation of Nominator.

Secondary Beneficiary rights are immediately activated upon demise of Nominator.

Valid execution of instructions given by Nominator is binding on the Trustee.

The interests of the Beneficiaries who stand to benefit from the investment would be protected.

Beneficiaries can easily migrate to other Products.

Beneficiaries get their benefits without delay.

Apply Online or download the form and fill as appropriate.

Send the completed form and supporting documents: Passport Photograph; copy of your valid identification (e.g. International Passport, Driver’s License, Nigerian Voter’s card); Specimen signature; and, Utility Bill to info@radixtrustees.com.


Arrange a meeting with an advisor to get started

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